Article by: Powell River Living - Shauna Andrews - May 2021
Watch Me Hatch! is an online educational initiative that has become a key resource for classrooms, brought to you by the Powell River Salmon Society. At the PRSS, we believe that sharing the joy and knowledge of our hatchery process is a fun and interactive way to involve our community in a variety of ways, at any age.
Focussing on assorted grades and levels of understanding, the PRSS has begun live-streaming through our educational channel, With a selection of links, resources, and videos, streaming is undertaken within the hatchery to educate classrooms through an online setting–an important platform to provide during the quickly-changing needs of the world. Our emphasis and effort for our program is to draw attention to the eco-system of salmon, including salmon life stages, Pacific salmon characteristics, their life cycles, and the salmon’s habitat in fresh and salt water. In addition to providing information for children, we provide teacher resource material and quizzes to gauge class participation and encouragement.
Some of our volunteers dedicate time not only by involving themselves with our educational projects, but also as directors on our board – this includes Emily St. Godard and Daniela Fernandez, who are both greatly invested in our program. They themselves have experience in incubation and are expecting to “hatch” their own babies soon. Their energy and focus is deeply appreciated by the PRSS as they continue to provide life and energy to our organization, even through their own incubation process. The PRSS is fortunate to have a committed and steadfast core of volunteers to help within all facets of our many programs; they are a key component to any charity that should never be taken for granted.