Article by: The Peak Apr 12, 2022
City of Powell River’s parks department, Powell River Salmon Society and Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) have partnered in a salmonid enhancement project.
According to a media release from the city, this conservation effort will be made to imprint 5,500 chum salmon fry in Willingdon Creek.
The release stated that with these hatchery-raised chum fry, or juvenile salmon, imprinted in Willingdon Creek water, the hope is they will now return to spawn in the creek using smell to guide their way back.
The salmon fry are being donated by Powell River Salmon Society. The release stated that permits and guidance are provided by fisheries and oceans salmon enhancement program community advisor Laura Terry. The city’s parks department is responsible for system design, labour and materials for the 10-day imprint project that began April 12.
“We intend to continue this initiative with our partners every year moving forward,” stated parks supervisor Mike Kaban. “Once the fry imprint, it will ensure more fish return to our creek in the coming years. This is another step towards the long-term protection and preservation of salmon populations in our waters.”